Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering
Vol.50 No.3, Ser. No.212, September 1997


Probability Prediction of Rainfall by Radar Applied to Sediment Disasters

---Michiya Irasawa, Shiro Takemori, Asao Yoo and Jiro Endo 4

Transfer and Mixing Process of Dissolved Oxygen by Turbulent Diffusion in Natural Streams

---Hirokazu Kitamura 12

Characteristics on Bed Variation in Rivers with a Series of Groundsels

--- Masaharu Fujita, Takahisa Mizuyama and takeyuki Iida 21

Technical Report
A Topographical Study on Forecasting Failures Spots on the Shirasu Slope

--- Takahiko Fujimoto, Katsuo Sasahara and Keiichi Monma 28

Research Note
Temporal Variation of Sediment Yield by Debris Flows at the Mizunashi River in Unzen Volcano

--- Yukiyoshi Teramoto, Takashi Jitousono, Etsuro Shimokawa and Nobuo Anyoji 35

Technical Note
Experiments on the Effect of Water-course Formation with Differences in Disposition and Structure of Groundsels

--- Nobutomo Osanai, Yutaka Koizumi and Yoshiharu Ishikawa 40

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Last modification: September 29, 1997Gsince May 26. 1995.