Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering, Vol.60,No.2,2007

Sediment related disasters triggered by Noto-Hantou Earthquake on March 25,2007

Setsuo HAYASHI, Kanji KONDO, Hiroshi KAWABE, Masaaki HANAOKA, Kazuya AKIYAMA, Shinya NUMAMOTO,
Shigeru SUZUKI, Kenji MUKAI and Mutsutoshi FUKUDA


In this report, we summarized the sediment related disasters triggered by the Noto]Hantou Earthquake on March 25, 2007. However Noto]Hantou area (peninsula) is remarked as landslide zone, many shallow slope failures were occurred rather than large scale slope failures like the case of Niigata Prefecture Chuetsu Earthquake. Three facilities of slope failure prevention works were damaged with crack and 0.6]1.0m steps on the rigde of steep slope. Totally, the slope failures mainly consist of rock blocks along the coastal slope, and mainly consist of sediment and gravel at inland slope.

Key wordsFearthquake, Noto]Hantou, slope instability, landslides, slope failure

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