Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering, Vol.59,No.1,2006

Experiments on impulsive load of soil collapse to the wall
Effects of displacement of wall on impulsive load

Taro UCHIDA Masatoshi SOKABE Hideki TERADA Koichi KONDO Nobutomo OSANAI Shuuichi YOSHIKAWA Nobuyasu KAMEDA


To clarify factors governing the impulsive load of collapsed soil acting on structures, laboratory experiments were conducted. The experiments were conducted using a cascading sediment experimental flume. The head of flume was fitted with a vertical steel gate for suddenly release a static sediment mass and initiating an avalanche. All cascading sediment consisted of dry sand and gravel. The impulsive load measure device was installed on the flume. We used two kinds of impulsive load measurement devices: a compression load cell type (displacement under load 7.0 X 10|4 mm/kN) and a spring type (displacement under load 1.0 X 102 mm/kN). Results of experiments showed that measured impulsive load of cascading sediment can be calculated based on changes in the momentum of the cascading sediment in the vertical direction on the acting surface of the device. We also found that measured load by the spring device is equal to that by the load cell device. This means that the displacement of structures give small impacts on the impulsive load of cascading sediment acting on structures.

Key words: shallow landslide, cascading sediment, flume experiment, gravity wall, impulsive load

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